1voucher sells vouchers that you can use to buy Vodacom data. This is the quickest and most secure process you can use to buy data bundles online. With this process, you get to choose which Vodacom prepaid data deals you want to buy depending on the voucher you purchased. You need to have the 1ForYou App on your phone to be able to convert your 1Voucher to your ideal data deal.
How to buy Vodacom data using 1Voucher
1Voucher has the simplest steps on how you can purchase Vodacom data bundles.
- Visit your nearest FLASH trader, PEP store, Ackermans, Shoprite, Checkers, OK, Usave, House & Home, or Dealz and purchase a 1Voucher 16-digit PIN.
- Open the 1FotYou App on your phone
- Select buy data
- Enter the cell phone number you want to load Vodacom data to.
- Select the data package and click the buy button.
Vodacom prepaid data deals.
Vodacom offers a variety of data packages you can choose from. Below is the list of all Vodacom prepaid data deals you can find on the 1ForYou App.
- 150MB Vodacom Weekly (R18.00)
- 300MB Vodacom Weekly (R31.00)
- 240MB Vodacom Monthly (R32.00)
- 4GB LTE 14 Days (R49.00)
- 400MB Vodacom Weekly (R52.00)
- 1.2GB Vodacom Weekly (R73.00)
- 1.5GB Vodacom Monthly (R89.00)
- 2.2GB Vodacom Weekly (R105.00)
- 20GB LTE Monthly (R149.00)
- 2.5GB Vodacom Monthly (R155.00)
- 6GB Vodacom Weekly (R210.00)
- 40GB LTE Monthly (R229.00)
- 4.5GB Vodacom Monthly (R259.00)
- 100GB LTE Monthly (R329.00)
- 7GB Vodacom Monthly (R365.00)
- 200GB LTE Monthly (R429.00)
- 12GB Vodacom Monthly (R499.00)
- 18GB Vodacom Monthly (R549.00)
- 40GB Vodacom Monthly (R712.00)
- 60GB Vodacom Monthly (R799.00)
- 120GB Vodacom Monthly (R999.00)
How to check data balance on Vodacom
Check your data and voice balances by dialing *188# from your Vodacom SIM, using WhatsApp on 086 160 1700 from any network SIM, or downloading the MyVodacom App.
How to transfer data on Vodacom
Vodacom prepaid or Top Up customer, you can only transfer bundles worth up to 80% of your airtime balance. To transfer data on Vodacom using USSD is the simplest thing. Follow the steps
- Dial *135# and select 'Data'
- Select 'For another number'
- Enter the recipient's Vodacom number
- Select the data bundle to transfer