If you're wondering how to load a Betway voucher using 1Voucher and deposit it into your Betway account? This article will feed you with all the information you need on how you can top up your Betway account and where you can buy 1Voucher. Follow these simple steps on how to redeem 1Voucher into Betway account:
- To buy 1Voucher, visit your nearest FLASH trader, PEP store, Ackermans, Shoprite, Checkers, OK, Usave, House & Home, or Dealz and purchase a 1Voucher.
- Visit Betway.co.za log into your Betway account and tap on deposit
- Select 1Voucher as your deposit method and enter your voucher code
- Tap Redeem and your funds will be available immediately
Some of the reasons why it's important to buy Betway voucher through 1Voucher
- Security: 1Voucher provide an added layer of security since you don’t need to share any sensitive banking information.
- Convenience: It’s a fast and easy method of depositing money into your Betway account without needing a credit or debit card.
- Anonymity: If you prefer not to use your bank account or credit card online, 1voucher is a great option for an anonymous transaction.
How long does betway withdrawal take?
Betway withdrawal takes less than 3 seconds if you withdraw using 1Voucher as your withdrawal option. Betway withdrawals are not only quick with 1Voucher but they are also safe.