Ikeja Payment made easy with 1Voucher

Feb 7, 2025

1Voucher has partnered with Ikeja to make your account payment simpler and quicker. Buy 1Voucher online, at a Flash shop, or from any of our other business partners. Visit the ‘Where to Buy’ page to see the full list of retailers where you can buy 1Voucher to help you make your Ikeja payment.

What is Ikeja?

Ikeja is a South African company that provides affordable, unlimited internet to townships. The company also builds its own network and offers hotspot services. 

How to pay Ikeja account with 1Voucher?

Below we listed all the necessary 1Voucher steps you should follow to make your Ikeja payment faster.

  1. Buy 1Voucher for the Ikeja account. Buy online or visit your nearest; FLASH trader, PEP store, Ackermans, Shoprite, Checkers, OK, Usave, House & Home, Dealz.
  2. To redeem your 1Voucher on Ikeja account, log onto your Ikeja account.
Ikeja payment

Choose 1Voucher

ikeja payment step 2

Input your 1Voucher 16-digit pin.

ikeja payment with 1Voucher

Ikeja packages

Plan Ikeja Prime Ikeja Prime +
Price R350 per month R500 per month
Speed 5/3Mbps 10/5Mbps
Data Unlimited Data Unlimited Data
Throttling Unthrottled Unthrottled
Installation Fee R500 R500
Street Hotspots Access Access to over 30,000 Street Hotspots for FREE Access to over 30,000 Street Hotspots for FREE

Make Ikeja Payment Online

The quickest way to make an Ikeja payment online is to buy your 1Voucher through the 1Voucher website and use it as a payment method on the Ikeja platform.

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